I get to photograph some truly beautiful homes but none could compare to this masterpiece of interior design by Carl Fitschen of Inner Options Interior Design that brough this home to life and enhanced the many different facets of the it's beauty. I grew up playing golf on a very competitive level for Mt Edgecombe Country Club A team league so when I photograph homes that … [Read more...]
House Leonard
Right, I've been out of action with regards to posting info to this blog for a while and it's for no other reason than just being slack and not giving it my attention. I got inspired to develop my blog writing by this home for the reason that will become apparent in a short while. I was on location to shoot this beautiful home for SA Home Owner magazine. It is home that blends … [Read more...]
Battling with Shadows in the Studio
I was photographing some small steel components this week and was really battling with the harsh shadows created by the lights I was using and just wanted a better way to get the results I required. I wish I had have found this article before I did the shoot. Maybe I might have impressed the client more with the final images. The following tutorial on constructing an … [Read more...]
Shooting on location: being looked after
I had the pleasure this week of photographing a resort down the South Coast of KwaZulu Natal, Pumula Beach Hotel. It was a 2 day adventure where I was to capture as many aspects of the hotel experience as possible. Apart from God having blessed us with the most amazing weather in time for the shoot of a beach resort where we're trying to showcase 'fun in the sun' and the … [Read more...]
Equipment is key
As I become a better photographer and explore more avenues within my photography and push the boundaries of my ability, I realise more and more the vale of good equipment. I have recently upgraded the body I shoot with to the latest beast from Canon in the 5D Mark II but now I'm finding the 24-105mm L lens not sufficient for portraiture and at wide angle has quite severe barrel … [Read more...]
Composition advice for interior architectural photography
-- powered by ExpertVillage.com … [Read more...]
Setting up a Photo studio
I have always wanted to be able to properly do product photography and have access to good lighting for simple, small projects. I've been doing some research and have found the following instructional video. Then they go on to showcase some info on some good practise photography tips. … [Read more...]
Depending on what we take for granted
It's amazing how we can take the little things for granted but I was recently on a shoot and, as is on on most occassions, I utilize the tungsten lighting that is supplied by the interior lighting of establishment I'm photographing. Well during my latest shoot the power went off at that critical dusk time which is so important to my interior shoots. There was nothing we could … [Read more...]
Shooting in overcast weather
I recently was on a shoot where the client wanted to postpone due to inclement overcast weather. I was adamant that it would be fine and convinced the client we should proceed. Well the results spoke for themselves and my client was suitably impressed. You see the beauty I often find with big dark clouds is that they add mood and soften the light. Then depending on the original … [Read more...]
The Digital Darkroom
Just like our predessors using film needed to have a good knowledge in the darkroom to output great images to print, so to do we as digital photographers need to know a thing or two about the post processing elements and tricks available to us. I use Adobe Photoshop CS3 and it was a simple tutorial book by Scott Kelby, The 7 Point System, that really directed me to getting … [Read more...]