When I initially got the invite to this weekend away at Sontuli I felt quite honored. I had had a tough year thus far in many aspects. We had been making it to church on Sunday mornings when we were able to do so as Nasia, our 3 yr old daughter was starting to enjoy children’s church more even though Melanie still had to go with her, but I had not been able to make homegroup meetings due to my evening photography commitments. So in essence I hadn’t been fully involved in the church and thought that I’d merely been hanging on the fringes. Well Our Father must have known that I needed some quality time with His People and some time of refreshing in the bush, my favourite place to unwind. It was amazing cos I didn’t really have the funds to go away but God provided that extra provision through His amazing workings. When Sunday came around and it was time to head back to Durban I knew that God had an amazing plan with this weekend as so much came of it within me personally!
Restoration of my soul and freedom within my headspace definitely did take place. I was also able to capture pretty cool photos of the weekend. Some scenery, some wildlife, some campfire settings and plenty of touch rugby action. You may ask when I had time to hear from God …. well that was the beauty of the weekend, there was so minimal structure in the plan of our time together. If you wanted to join in you could and if you wished to do you own thing then that was perfectly fine too.
A time away with the boys allows one to really appreciate the ladies you have back at home. This was part of my emotional testimony that I shared in our group time of reflection at the end of the camp just before boarding the vehicles and heading home – how much more I’d come to appreciate my wife and beautiful little daughter.
Enjoy a few of the pics that showcase the time of unity shared by 27 Glenridge men in the bush – this bush that gave us great wildlife sightings, lion territory mapping and hyenas calling in the night and the quiet that often one needs to reflect upon the busyness of life’s challenges.

The compete group of 27 Glenridge guys.

The view from the Food Court Deck

Our accommodation for the weekend - very comforatable tents when you were expecting to sleep on the floor!

At the lookout point for the first evening's game drive.

Shooting star trails on the first evening - both nights were clear starry nights with near full moon. Loved the way the trees were reflecting the light of the camp fire.

Enjoying time round the camp fire in the evenings - burned all night to revive again for the morning coffee session

Water baptism in the Umfolozi River was a highlight of the weekend. Congrats to Tyrone and Nathan.

Touch rugby on the river bed field was tightly contested.

Some were more determined than others!

Encountered a pride of lion shortly after entering the park

Loads of giraffe sightings but this lone zebra made us heart sore .... was badly wounded and we wondered how long he'd survive in the wild?
View more photos, I mean loads more, on my Facebook album showing this weekend away

Hi Grant
Thank you so much for capturing the memories. A few of the photos you could have kindley photo shopped.
i agree God had an amazing plan for this weekend
I really love that shot you got of the two guys at the look out point, the lens flare is awesome!
Thanks Craig – I enjoy using the lighting of the sun to be creative with the imagery. Lens flare I often find is pot luck when it works.
Grantie……………… You Biscuit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those Pics are the bomb ! Thank you for capturing all the moments so beautifully so that they may serve as a constant reminder how Good our GOD is. Your work is truely amazing .Good Job bud…..
Thanks Andre, so appreciate the feedback and compliments. Loved your humour and interesting take on life that you shared with us this last weekend. So good to laugh with freedom.
Hi Grant – I found you through your family as I’m friends with your folks and sister in Canada. Just wanted to compliment you on your photo’s – they are fantastic. My favourites from this group are the giraffe, the one with the lens flare and, of course, the star trails one! Great job!
Thanks Mandy, Mum had told me you were enjoying looking at my photography. I so enjoying using my passion as a way to earn an income.
Hi did you by any chance go back to sontuli with glenridge this year in June?
No I wasn’t in that group, sorry.