At first glance these look like old books from yesteryear … well yes they are old books but they can also house your new hi-tech Kindle ebook reader. The clever team from Swell Accessories have used their knowledge gained from the design and hand assembly of the iPad Bookcase cover to manufacture Kindle covers from old books. Through a long and hard search they find books that are the perfect size and thickness with classic quality book binding we just don’t seem to see anymore in these modern times. These Kindle covers are hand made in South Africa and are available for all versions of the Amazon Kindle.
When you purchase your Swell Kindle cover it gets supplied with the first page of the book so that you may know the history of the book. Additionally, if any keepsakes are found with the pages you get this too. All part of the process of the experience in the feeling that you’re reading a real book while flipping through the pages of your Kindle!
Contact Swell Accessories for more or contact them on 031 303 7543 to choose your Swell Kindle cover. See the pictures below photographed by Grant Pitcher in our Churchill Studio.
Win a Swell Kindle Cover Competition
As readers of the Grant Pitcher Photography blog you stand a chance to win a unique Swell Kindle Cover.
Click here to enter with your name, telephone, physical address for delivery of the cover and a brief story as to why your Kindle deserves a cover as unique as this.
The draw will take place on Valentines Day 2012, because we know you’ll fall in love with reading again!

No more horrible elastics to hold you Kindle. Beautifully branded Swell spring-loaded steel clips to keep your Kindle snug and secure

When you purchase your Kindle cover from Swell Accessories you receive the first page of the book to know the history

I WANT one!
p.s. beautifully photographed (barely warrants saying of course!?)