Apple has been quite consistent in the past few years since their release of the first iPhone that they release a new version of the hardware each year around June. There was much hype and anticipation for the latest release … the iPhone 4. It was to be completely redesigned with a new stylish, more contemporary finish and an improved camera which would capture video in high definition.
Now the decision was should I upgrade or not?
For me looks alone, I was sold on the new design – it had a modern B&O type of twist to its sophisticated finish. But is it worth ditching your trusty iPhone 3Gs or even a version of Blackberry (definitely yes here!!!) to go for something that has just a new look and a better camera.
My answer: YES. I can say this with certainty now and the biggest seller for me is the screen resolution and clarity. Apple weren’t fooling about when promoting their new ‘retina display’ – it honestly is superior to any other cellular device on the market. So I’m loving the clear, high definition screen of the iPhone 4. It takes a bit of getting used when changing from the 3Gs version as the edges and lines of the fourth version are quite hard but in contrast to its predecessors the phone has fully complete definition about its finish. Another great plus is it doesn’t seem to scratch as easily as previous models I’ve owned. And then there’s ‘Facetime’ utilizing the dual view element of the new camera allowing for free video conferencing when using the available wireless networks – give it a go, it’s worth it.
iPhone 4 displayed below – a thing of beauty!

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