Each year since 2008 now I’ve tried to make sure I undertake at least one, if not two, multi-day hiking trips to the Drakensberg mountain range in South Africa. Winter is normally best for weather conditions and it’s great to experience the colder climate that we don’t normally feel in Durban. Our trip up to Giants Castle peak in May 2012 sure lived up to expectations. The weather was perfect for 3 days, albeit a bit windy on Saturday night on top of the escarpment. The trip was planned around the full moon being easier to see at night under the bright moonlight. This also provided for some great moonscape photography. On day one we left the hotel (1750m) to head up Giant’s Ridge to the contour path (2300m) and then find a level enough spot to pitch 2 tents at the base of the Pass for the first night’s camp. We got going as early as possible to ascend Giant’s Pass, one of the Berg’s steeper boulder passes that doesn’t require climbing which tops out at just over 3000m. This took a little under 3 hours. The wind had already picked up significanly on the top so there were decisions to be made once we arrived at the intended camp spot as to weather we pitch tents or take shelter from the wind by some rock drop off and sleep under the stars. We felt it wiser to pitch tents because of the cold. Before doing this though my main intent of this climb was to summit Giant’s Peak (3310m) – this was absolutely sensational and well worth the extra 300m to the peak. We survived night 2 being kept awake by wind flapping tents and made the 5 hour descent back to the Giants Castle hotel in time for a drive home for Sunday evening. Everyone enjoyed the trip immensely and felt a great sense of achievement in accomplishing the taming of the Giant! Enjoy my photographic feedback below.

Start of the hike from Giants Castle hotel

First major hill of day 1 - the ascent onto Giants Ridge

Our first groupie about midway up Giants Ridge. The group from left to right: Kierran Allen, Trevor Froude, Matt Cremer, Grant Pitcher, Darryn Sykes

Taking some time to rest as the lads feel Giants Ridge taking it's toll on day 1. Kierran feeling it might be 'Death by Mountain'!!

Matt about to crest Giants Ridge and proceed along the contour path to our camp site for the first night.

Kierran capturing the amazing colors of a sensational sunset.

Then Kierran enjoyed some personal reflection time under the stars.

Accommodation and camp site for Friday night. This was no level piece of land!

A view of the stars on Saturday morning just before first light.

Another view of the galaxy of stars. The image to the right shows a satellite that passed overhead about half an hour before the sunrise.

I love photographer silhouettes!

Morning sunrise - Day 2

Heading up the Giants Pass on Day 2

Darryn finding the Pass tough going - we all made it in good time though so were very pleased with the achievement.

Matt surveying the land at the top of the Pass - taking in the achievement!

Victory! Having reached Giant's Peak topping out at 3310m above sea level. Just the morning before we were at 1750m at the hotel.

A view into the setting sun from Giant's Peak looking north towards Cathkin Peak

Looking back down to our camp site area from Giants Peak

Heading back down to setup camp for our second night. Beautiful view of the cloud in the valley below.

Full moon rising above the clouds as seen from our tents.

The mountain top landscape lit up by the full moon. This image is taken 2 hours after sunset.

Moon setting over our camp site as we awoke for first light photo time around 5am on Sunday morning.

Moon setting in the distance as the rising sun starts to provide wonderful colors in the sky and landscape around.

Sunrise over Giants Peak to provide warmth while we pack up the camp site before the descent.

Heading for home on the Sunday morning.

At the top of Giants Pass. About to descend for home.

The lads about to head down the Pass back to the hotel - about 4.5hrs of downhill hiking ahead. What a wonderful trip.

Grant this has to some of the best photos I have ever seen of the Berg, absolutely stunning. Certainly looks like you guys had fantastic trip. Darryn can’t stop talking about it.
Thanks Wayne, I appreciate the feedback.
Nice pics Grant, well done!
Has everyone put on weight or is it your camera?
Hey Jared. Thanks. Don’t think so as both Matt and myself are similar weights to last year’s trip to Injesuthi.
Congratulations Grant – both on your hike and most especially on the absolutely amazing photography!
Thanks Sheena. The mountains do really lend themselves to great imagery. I love to capture this kind of canvas.
Grant – what unbelievably beautiful photographs! The colours you have captured and the night scenes are just amazing.
These images are absolutely stunning!
As I write this I am in Germany, I really miss these mountians – my favourite part of the world!
Glad you guys had a gret trip.
Thanks Philip. Yes indeed, one of my favourite places too.
Incredible imagery Grant! By far the best pics of the Berg I’ve seen! You really captured it in all it’s beauty, but I’m sure no photo does justice to just how amazing it must have been. Looks like you guys had an amazing time. You couldn’t have slept much to get those long exposure shots though… Great pics bud! Thanks for the visual treat!
You’re welcome Warren.
Bud, these photos are phenomenal! I love your style of photography, gets me all keen to go out an snap some!
Then that’s a good thing Robbie. Hope you do get out there snapping!
Hi Grant
Absolutely stunning images from The Berg.
Best Regards
Poul Thorsen
Eish, I had to get a number to stand in line to congratulate you on these awesome images, well done indeed. I especially love your night shots capturing the light of the full moon. I really like images 7, 8, 9 & 10 above, really love images 17 & 20 (you’ll have to count them down like I did) but think image 23 (fifth to last) is by far the most sensational…! Nice one!
Wow Grant, your pics are awesome, brings back memories of long ago at Drakensville.
Wow Grant these are just amazing images and show the magnificent berg in such great light. I have to say also well done on the hike.