At Flux Fluid Motion you can be guaranteed of a workout like no other. They cater for all fitness needs and goals with the use of Kettlebell Sport and conditioning principles. Kettlebells are a new training philosophy but they’ve been around hundreds of years – they’ve been used since the 1700’s to develop full body conditioning and fitness the Russian way! The trainers at Flux work hard at ensuring the standards of training are conformed to the highest global standards and hence their coaching and teaching will ensure the members’ goals are achieved too.
I have since returned early in 2014 to the Flux headquarters in Umhlanga for some updated kettlebell and strength exercise promotional material.
Get in touch with the team to see how Flux can make your fitness changes happen now!
January 2014 series >>

Sharks and Springbok wing Lwazi Mvovo showing what champions are made of and getting in some pre-season training.
December 2013 series >>

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