I needed to leave the office early today, mainly to clear my head so I headed out on a bike ride towards the beachfront. I stopped in at the 2010 Fine Art Expo at Sun Coast Casino. Ok, if you’re anywhere near that area you’ve got to go take a look – the artworks are awesome. I mainly went inside to view the amazing photography of legend photographer Dennis Guichard whose “Stadium Collection – 30 Iconic Images” is right in the entrance – these stadium photos are unbelievable. I also stood in awe of the simplicity of the ‘Real Heroes Collection’ on display submitted by Clint Strydom. Well worth a visit.
Anyway, back to the point of this post! I was heading back home, knowing that with the sun fast approaching the horizon on the these short winter days and running out of time, and turned my attention towards the Moses Mabhida Stadium as it was being silhouetted by the setting sun. It was such an amazing setting and I wished I had my camera with me but fortunately technology has advanced and our cellphones have pretty nifty cameras these days so I jumped off my bike and whipped out my iPhone and tried to capture what I was seeing. I just love the way the stadium has been set to look as though it’s ‘floating’ on the black canvas. This rounded off a super and enjoyable ride.

Hi Grant, great pictures of a beautiful stadium and love your use of lens flare.
Glad you made the 2010 Fine Art exhibition and enjoyed it (and were probably one of the first down there) – so much awesome artwork there from a wide collection of artists so there should be something to appeal to everyones taste and style.
There’s 320 pieces of work in the full collection from artists in each of the 32 nations participating in the FIFA World Cup, including 15 artists in the African Collection of which 7 are South African.
Keep up the good work and showcasing all these quite interesting projects you get to shoot.
Thanks Dennis, appreciate the encouragement. It’s so great the way the 2010 Fine Art is being given such great exposure. As you say it appeals to a wide range of audience. It’s also cool where they put it at Sun Coast as it’s easily accessible to everyone.