Injisuthi – May 2016
In February of 2016 we tragically lost a friend, Jared Dwyer, in a cycling accident. As his friends we wanted to go back to the Drakensberg and conquer a region of Corner Pass that we were not able to complete with him back in 2011 due to bad weather. Jared was so keen to press on through the gale force winds and do it anyway back then!
So, pictured below from right to left, myself, Martin, Iain, Philip and Matt, ascended from the Injisuthi camp, on 27th May, up and over 2 Hour Hill towards Centenary Hut. We had intended to camp there for night one but had made good time on day 1 so decided to give ourselves a head start for the next day and continue further up from the Hut (about 300m in altitude) and then setup camp around 4pm.
Day 2 we headed up the ridge for the Corner Pass with a gnarly scrambling section along the way. Once we got to the Pass it was decided that we would follow a Basuthu path away to the left which presented a few more scrambling sections and more challenges but all was well and we summited around 1pm. Iain then laid a memorial for Jared at the top and we had a moment silence – it was sobering to remember his amazing achievements and passion for life. We setup camp just behind The Judge peak at the top of Judge Pass.
We hiked up The Judge peak for sunset but once the sun went down it was rather chilly so headed back down to the tents to prepare dinner and reflect on the achievements of the day! Night 2 was cold but fortunately really still with no wind so I used to opportunity to do some long exposure star photography with very little light pollution and great visibility through to the lights of Escourt. By 8:30 I was too cold and so stopped the star trail exposure and brought my camera in and retired for the night of another restless sleep in the mountains. Not sure I’ve ever slept well on a Berg hike but it’s just one of those things we know will be the case and then enjoy the comforts of home come Sunday night!
It was a long walk home back to Injisuthi Camp on the Sunday and the showers back at the camp were a welcome relief for tired bodies. What a great experience with another peak and part of the Drakensberg ticked off for me.
Our first proper break about 2.5 hours into the hike, with 2 Hour Hill waiting for us from here. I’d forgotten how steep this Little Berg climb is!
Nearing the top of 2 Hour Hill – you can see the river stop we’d just had at the bottom, to the right of Iain in the pic below.
Matt very pleased he’d broken the back of 2 Hour Hill!
Centenary Hut and the path that goes up toward the contour path – this path goes all the way to Giants Castle.
The hard slog up towards our night 1 camp site. Note Iain who was carry an extra load of water way below Matt. We knew we didn’t have water close by for our camp site so we carried over 10 litres of water between us up this hill.
Below you’ll see out camp site for night one with the path for the next day leading up the mountain just above the tents and our eventual camping spot for night 2 just behind The Judge peak in the middle of the picture.
Though quite windy and a few clouds around we did see some good stars.
Sunrise was rather dramatic with incredible hue of colours on the horizon.
Iain appreciating the beauty that our first morning sunrise provided.
The last view of the Injisuthi range as we start to ascend up towards The Corner.
First rest stop of day 2.
Our first serious scrambling section of the day – this was 1 of 3 pretty nervous sections of day 2!
Very pleased to be up and over that section!
The saddle where we see the Pass for the first time in the day and contemplate our options. We end up deciding to take a Basuthu path left of the Pass and summit 2 cutbacks to South of The Corner.
Last groupie before the top.
Once up on top we laid a memorial for Jared (note the stones at our feet) to celebrate reaching the top area of Corner Pass in his honour. We know Jared would have loved to been there with us.
Iain catching the last rays of sun on the little koppie below out campsite for night 2.
A room with a view. A great location to setup camp on night 2 with The Judge towering above us to the left.
Up on The Judge peak at 3205m above sea level just after sunset. Philip opted to keep watch back at the camp 😉
Had some fun playing with long exposure shooting of the stars and the models feeling the cold a sub zero temperatures!
Apart from having to go back up to the The Judge peak go get my sunglasses I left up there from the night before, I really enjoyed seeing the first light of day break at 3200m, knowing that I’d be back at sea level about 12 hours later. I particularly loved this view as the vista is all the way to one of my favourite peaks in the Berg being Giants peak, in the far distance, which tops out at 3330m above sea level.
Heading down Judge Pass on Sunday morning knowing that it would be a long day of walking – just over 8 hours.
At the bottom of the Pass and officially off the high mountain and about to hit the contour path before the descent down into the valley below to the Injisuthi camp. Thanks guys for a great time in the mountains and for a memorable experience.

Amazing pictures Grant – well done on another awesome hike. Jared would have been impressed! Wish I could have been there with you.
Thanks Doug. Yes we did miss you. Know you would have loved this trip.
Absolutely incredible photography, Grant! Your skill is phenomenal. Well done both on the amazing photos and on the great trek.
Thank you Sheena. Always appreciate the feedback.
Great looking trip and pics G, feels like I’ve just been to the Berg….!